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Cluster meeting #1: CRESCINE - REBOOT - SCENE

On July, 05th 2023, CRESCINE, alongside SCENE EU Project and REBOOT, held their first cluster meeting for the 3 projects funded under the HORIZON-CL2-2022-HERITAGE-01-06.

For the first time, the participating projects had the opportunity to gather and discuss numerous exciting topics and start a fruitful, 36-month collaboration to enhance the competitiveness of the European film industry. The three projects met around Project Officer Carla Rocha Gomes and Policy Officers Christina Sarvani and Jagoda Komusinska: the emphasis was made on the project’s expected outcomes and insights, as well as their priorities, the diversity of approaches within the cluster to help enhance competitiveness, growth, and innovation within the European audiovisual industry.

Each project was presented: they showed amazing synergy and complementarity, but they also each highlighted specific goals: CRESCINE empowers smaller European markets in the film industry and promotes inclusion and diversity. REBOOT's goals mainly focus on and engage European youth, as well as VOD creation, and SCENE combines cutting-edge technology with a commitment to social responsibility and sustainability. This allowed insightful discussions regarding each project’s position within the global sector’s competitiveness, but also other initiatives undertaken by innovative and creative European projects in the European audiovisual landscape.

Since the projects were launched in the last months, it was the occasion for CRESCINE, REBOOT, and SCENE to present each project’s main objectives, expected outcomes, and goals, as well as progress and findings made so far. Each project coordinator and work package leader shared best practices, financial mitigation strategies, collaborative potential, and a common approach to enhance European markets' competitiveness beyond its own borders to an international level.

The meeting allowed each partner to position themselves in the HORIZON-HERITAGE 3-project cluster, and get a better understanding of the upcoming collaboration, complementarity, and common activities and events. It helped immensely in how to implement comprehensive plans to strengthen the European film industry, while focusing on different aspects to reach a common goal.

CRESCINE is thrilled to start collaborating and gathering strengths for an ever-growing and expanding European audiovisual industry.